London Bridge Regenerative Clinic

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Prolotherapy & prolozone Injections

A natural, non steroid treatment for joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.



Arthritis, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Sports injuries, Joint instability.  Back and Neck pain.




3-6 Sessions


No Downtime 

Non Invasive

Supports healing and regeneration

Minimal side effects

For all painful conditions of the limbs and spine

Prolozone: The advanced form of prolotherapy

Prolozone therapy represents a innovative approach to treating pain syndromes of the spine and musculoskeletal system by harnessing the regenerative potential of ozone and proliferative solutions. Through its multifaceted mechanisms of action, prolozone therapy stimulates tissue repair, modulates inflammation, and alleviates pain, offering patients a safe and effective alternative to conventional treatments.

As research in the field continues to evolve, prolozone therapy holds promise for revolutionising the management of chronic pain and improving the quality of life for individuals suffering from musculoskeletal and spinal disorders.

Prolotherapy / Prolozone TREATMENT

Prolotherapy / Prolozone therapy

Prolozone therapy is a cutting-edge treatment that aims to address pain syndromes of the spine and musculoskeletal system by stimulating tissue repair and regeneration. This therapeutic approach combines the principles of prolotherapy and ozone therapy to promote healing and alleviate pain.

Origins and History

Prolozone therapy originated in Germany and from the pioneering work of Dr. Frank Shallenberger, a prominent figure in the field of integrative and regenerative medicine. Building upon the principles of prolotherapy, which involves the injection of irritant solutions to stimulate the body’s natural healing response, Dr. Shallenberger introduced the concept of ozone therapy into the equation. Ozone therapy utilises ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen, to promote healing and tissue regeneration.

The combination of prolotherapy and ozone therapy led to the development of prolozone therapy, which harnesses the synergistic effects of both modalities to enhance their therapeutic outcomes. Since its inception, prolozone therapy has gained recognition and popularity among healthcare practitioners and patients alike for its effectiveness in addressing a wide range of pain syndromes, particularly those involving the spine and musculoskeletal system

Mechanism of action

At its core, prolozone therapy capitalises on the biochemical properties of ozone to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration. Ozone, composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), is a powerful oxidant with potent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects. When introduced into the body, ozone readily reacts with biological molecules, initiating a cascade of biochemical reactions that promote healing.

One of the key mechanisms of action of ozone is its ability to stimulate the production of growth factors and cytokines, which play crucial roles in tissue repair and regeneration. By enhancing the expression of these signalling molecules, ozone promotes the proliferation and differentiation of various cell types involved in the healing process, including fibroblasts, which are responsible for synthesising collagen and other extracellular matrix components.

Additionally, ozone exerts its therapeutic effects by modulating oxidative stress and inflammation. While excessive oxidative stress can contribute to tissue damage and chronic pain, controlled exposure to ozone induces a hormetic response, wherein low levels of oxidative stress trigger adaptive cellular mechanisms that enhance resilience and repair. Furthermore, ozone has been shown to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and promote the release of anti-inflammatory mediators, thus attenuating inflammation and pain.

Clinical Application and Procedure

The clinical application of prolozone therapy typically involves a series of injections administered directly into the affected areas, guided by physical examination findings and imaging studies. The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting and does not require general anaesthesia, making it accessible and convenient for patients.

How does shockwave therapy work

Shockwave therapy, known for its ‘mechanism of action’, involves the use of a specialized device to deliver acoustic energy through the skin to the injured part of the body. The shockwaves, which are mechanical and not electric, consist of audible, low-energy sound waves that increase blood flow to the injured area.

This therapy operates through two primary modes of action to alleviate persistent tendon pain. Firstly, the shockwaves work to desensitize nerve endings, often resulting in an immediate reduction in pain. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, the shockwaves induce controlled micro-trauma (microscopic damage) to the tissues. This action encourages the body to respond by enhancing blood circulation and metabolism in the affected area, thereby activating and accelerating the body’s natural healing response. Additionally, shockwaves can assist in ‘breaking down’ disorganised tissue and calcifications. For treatment to be optimal we would normally recommend combining this treatment with injection therapy and a rehabilitation programme.  

Extensive testing has shown that Ostenil Plus does not induce any significant adverse reactions. Furthermore, as it lacks animal proteins, the likelihood of triggering an allergic response is minimal. Like with any injections, there exists a slight risk of infection, and occasional post-injection discomfort at the site may persist for a day or two.

Ostenil injections have become increasingly popular among athletes, particularly football players, who seek relief from joint discomfort resulting from intense physical exertion.

Featuring hyaluronic acid as its primary ingredient, these injections offer enhanced joint lubrication and cushioning, thereby reducing friction, easing pain, and improving mobility to enhance performance on the field.

The non-invasive nature and minimal side effects of Ostenil make it an appealing option for athletes aiming to preserve joint health and quickly return to their training and competitive activities.

Implementing injury prevention measures such as warm-up routines, conditioning exercises, and recovery strategies further bolster joint health and overall athletic prowess.

Ostenil is commonly manufactured through a method referred to as bacterial fermentation.

In this process, specific bacterial strains, typically Streptococcus zooepidemicus, are chosen for their capacity to generate hyaluronic acid. These bacteria are cultivated in a suitable growth medium that contains carbohydrates like glucose or corn syrup, serving as a carbon source. Through fermentation, the bacteria produce hyaluronic acid as a byproduct of their metabolic processes.

The resulting sodium hyaluronate can then be utilized in orthopedic applications, such as treating conditions like Osteoarthritis, Knee Meniscus issues, as well as Shoulder or Hip Labral tears.





Prolotherapy & Prolozone injections

Jon Handley-Collins

£250 one area, (£75 for each additional area)

Procedure Steps

Patient Evaluation

The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s medical history, symptoms, and physical examination findings. Diagnostic imaging studies, such as X-rays or MRI scans, may be utilised to assess the extent of tissue damage and pinpoint the precise location of the pain.


The patient is positioned comfortably, and the target area is cleansed with an antiseptic solution to minimise the risk of infection. Local anaesthesia may be administered to alleviate discomfort during the injection procedure, although many patients tolerate the injections well without anaesthesia.

Injection technique

Using a fine-gauge needle, the healthcare provider delivers the prolozone mixture of either a  proliferative or anti inflammatory solution and ozone gas into the affected tissues. The injection technique may vary depending on the specific condition being treated and the anatomical location of the pain.

Injection Sites

Prolozone therapy can target various anatomical structures, including ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, and periarticular tissues. Common sites for injection include the spine (e.g., facet joints, intervertebral discs), joints (e.g., knees, shoulders), and soft tissues (e.g., Achilles tendon, rotator cuff).

Post-Procedure Care

After the injections are administered, the patient may experience mild discomfort or swelling at the injection sites, which typically resolves within a few days. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and to apply ice packs intermittently to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

While cortisone injections are commonly used to manage pain and inflammation associated with painful conditions, they primarily provide symptomatic relief and do not address the underlying issue. In contrast, prolozone offers several distinct advantages:

No long term side effects

While cortisone can have detrimental effects on a tissue, especially with repeated injections.  Prolotherapy and prolozone have no such side effects and so can be repeated as necessary.  

Pain relief and healing support

In addition to providing pain relief, prolotherapy / prolozone creates a healing response of the tissues in the area, supporting collagen production and an overall healthier healing environment. 

Minimal Side Effects

Prolozone / prolotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure with a low risk of complications.

Potential for Long-Term Improvement

While cortisone injections may provide temporary relief, the benefits are often short-lived, and repeated injections may be necessary. Prolotherapy & prolozone provide a healing response leading to many patients not requiring any further injections after their initial course.  

After the procedure,  typically we dvise refraining from engaging in strenuous physical activities for several days to allow your body to recover optimally. It’s essential to prioritise hydration by drinking plenty of water to help flush out any toxins and aid in the healing process. If you experience any discomfort or pain, Paracetamol can be safely used for pain management as needed.

It is important to follow your clinician’s post-procedure instructions and follow any rehabilitation exercises advised


Step 1. Free Intial consultation

London Bridge Regenerative clinic gives every patient a free consultation with one of our injecting practitioners.  This includes a free ultrasound scan if required.

There is no obligation to proceed to treatment. The consultation is an opportunity to discuss your issue in detail and the benefits and risks of the procedure.


STEP 2. Physical Exam and ultrasound

We will perform palpation and orthopaedic tests to help confirm your diagnosis.  If required we may also perform a diagnostic ultrasound scan to assist in visualising the issue.  We may also refer you for an X-ray or MRI, depending on the examination findings.  

We will allow time to explain the procedure and answer any questions you may have.  We make sure you understand the advantages and risks with the procedure before going ahead

STEP 3. Injection procedure

You’ll be given individual pre-injection advice to reduce your chance of bleeding or infection and support your recovery and aid healing

It’s important to let your practitioner know if you’re on any prescription or over-the-counter medications. You may be asked to stop taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory tablets, which can increase the risk of bruising. It’s also important to stop smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes before and after the procedure because they can disrupt the healing process. 

STEP 4: RECOVERY and Follow up

Following the procedure, most individuals can return home and resume their normal activities. Our clinical team will be available to offer water and provide guidance on post-injection care.

For the next 48 hours, it’s advisable to refrain from strenuous activities and alcohol consumption. 

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for 2 weeks after the procedure to review the progress. At which point another session can be conducted if required.



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Gary Edwards

Doctor of Chiropractic and Injection therapy

Jon Handley-Collins

Doctor of Chiropractic and Injection therapy

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To book you free consultation,  please complete the form below.  One of our practitioners will contact you to discuss your condition and schedule your appointment.  

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