London Bridge Regenerative Clinic

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nSTRIDE® Autologous Protein Solution (APS)

Natural solution for chronic knee pain 



Knee Osteoarthritis


None Needed 


1 hour


2 Modorate rest

Move without limits of arthritis pain

Regain mobility and function after a single treatment​

Combines Cortisone with hyaluronic acid

An effective pain relief option

Rediscover Activity with nSTRIDE® Knee Pain Treatment

Pain relief procedure allows over 60's to stay active through surfing

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Reignite Your Passion for Adventure

Discover the transformative potential of the nSTRIDE procedure in tackling osteoarthritis (OA) and its related symptoms. Patients who have undergone nSTRIDE have reported remarkable pain relief lasting up to 5 years, along with a renewed sense of mobility and vitality.

Take the first step towards reclaiming your active lifestyle. Find out today if nSTRIDE is the right choice for you.



This advanced treatment works by targeting and neutralising the harmful proteins responsible for the inflammatory response within the joint, while simultaneously promoting the production of beneficial proteins that support cartilage health. Through this dual action, nSTRIDE® APS offers a holistic approach to managing knee discomfort, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of inflammation.

Discover the comprehensive benefits of nSTRIDE® APS, a revolutionary treatment designed to transform your knee health with just one injection. With nSTRIDE® APS, you can expect:

Pain Reduction: Experience relief from discomfort and pain within the knee joint, allowing you to enjoy daily activities with greater ease and comfort.

Improved Flexibility: Say goodbye to stiffness as nSTRIDE® APS enhances flexibility, restoring fluidity of movement for increased comfort and mobility.

Enhanced Mobility and Functionality: Regain control over your movements as nSTRIDE® APS works to improve joint function, enabling you to move more freely and engage in the activities you love.

Cartilage Preservation: By potentially slowing down the degradation of cartilage, nSTRIDE® APS helps safeguard the structural integrity of your knee joint, promoting long-term joint health and vitality.

When applied to an injury site, BMAC initiates a cascade of healing responses. BMSCs secrete specialised substances tailored to the injured tissue, which modulate inflammation, stimulate self-repair, and enhance regeneration. This process not only alleviates immediate pain but also offers long-term relief by promoting anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities.

What is nSTRIDE® APS?

Introducing nSTRIDE® APS, a breakthrough treatment for knee joint inflammation. This innovative therapy involves a precisely formulated injection of concentrated beneficial proteins derived from your own blood directly into the affected knee joint. By harnessing the body’s natural healing mechanisms, nSTRIDE® APS aims to not only alleviate pain but also restore equilibrium to your inflamed knee.

Clinical research has showcased the efficacy of a single injection, indicating that its benefits may persist for 24-36 months. Additionally, more recent data suggests that certain individuals may experience pain relief for as long as five years following the treatment. cartilage, bone, tendons, and ligaments.

If you’re experiencing early or moderate-stage osteoarthritis and have found no relief with other conservative treatments, nSTRIDE® APS could be a suitable option for you. Please give us a call and we can book you in for initial assessment to ascertain the most suitable and beneficial treatment.

Following nSTRIDE® APS treatment, patients may encounter localised pain and swelling at the injection site, typically resolving within 24-48 hours. There are no enduring side effects associated with the procedure; however, it’s advisable to have someone accompany you on the day of treatment.


Within 4-5 days post-treatment, a slight reduction in swelling, stiffness, and pain can be anticipated. While some individuals may experience diminished knee discomfort within 1-2 weeks, most patients typically notice pain relief between 4-8 weeks following the procedure. Significant pain reduction may take up to 12 weeks to manifest.

For optimal recovery, it’s recommended to limit activity levels for 14 days post-treatment.


At London Bridge Regeneration clinic we provide various payment options meaning you can spread the cost and enjoy a confident outlook at a price you can afford this can also include interest free options.
Please book a complimentary initial consultation to discuss, your tailored and best options your but typically prices start as shown below
Procedure Specialists Consultant Specialists

Guided nStride injection 

Gary Edwards


Jon Handley-Collins


nSTRIDE® Autologous Protein Solution (APS)

Harnessing the power of your own body, nSTRIDE® APS offers a revolutionary approach to alleviating the joint pain caused by knee osteoarthritis. This autologous protein solution treatment is tailor-made to address your specific needs, providing targeted relief and restoring comfort and mobility to your daily life. Say goodbye to knee pain and embrace a future of greater freedom and vitality with nSTRIDE® APS.

After the procedure, we highly recommend that you remain in the clinic for at least 30 minutes for observation and to ensure there are no immediate complications. Following this observation period, we typically advise refraining from engaging in strenuous physical activities for several days to allow your body to recover optimally. It’s essential to prioritize hydration by drinking plenty of water to help flush out any toxins and aid in the healing process. If you experience any discomfort or pain, Paracetamol can be safely used for pain management as needed.

It is important to follow your clinician post-procedure instructions carefully and attend follow the knee rehabilitation programme.

Zimmer Biomet | HRM nSTRIDE®

Move without limits with Steve Backshall

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Step 1. Free Intial consultation

London Bridge Regenerative clinic gives every patient a free consultation with one of our injecting practitioners.

There is no obligation to proceed to treatment. The consultation is an opportunity to discuss your issue in detail and the benefits and risks of the procedure.

A single intraarticular nSTRIDE® APS knee injection is safe and continues to provide pain improvement at 1 year.

Kon E, Engebretsen L, Peter Verdonk P, Nehrer S and Filardo G. “Two-year Clinical Outcomes of An Autologous Protein Solution Injection For Knee Osteoarthritis.” ICRS 14th World Congress, presented 2018.

STEP 2. Physical exam and ultrasound

We will perform palpation and orthopaedic tests to help confirm your diagnosis.  If required we may also perform a diagnostic ultrasound scan to assist in visualising the issue.  We may also refer you for an X-ray or MRI, depending on the examination findings.  

We will allow time to explain the procedure and answer any questions you may have.  We make sure you understand the advantages and risks with the procedure before going ahead

STEP 3. Injection Procedure

You’ll be given individual pre-injection advice to reduce your chance of bleeding or infection and support your recovery and aid healing

It’s important to let your practitioner know if you’re on any prescription or over-the-counter medications. You may be asked to stop taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory tablets, which can increase the risk of bruising. It’s also important to stop smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes before and after the procedure because they can disrupt the healing process.

Local anesthetic is not needed for this procedure and the procedure is tolerated very well. 


Following the procedure, most individuals can return home and resume their normal activities. Our clinical team will be available to offer water and provide guidance on post-injection care.

For the next twenty-four hours, it’s advisable to refrain from strenuous activities and alcohol consumption. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t notice immediate effects; it typically takes around five days for the injection to take effect, with the full results becoming evident over the course of several weeks.

A follow-up appointment or phone consultation will be scheduled for four weeks after the procedure to review the progress. 



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Gary Edwards

Doctor of Chiropractic and Injection therapy

Jon Handley-Collins

Doctor of Chiropractic and Injection therapy

Book Your Consultation

To book you free consultation,  please complete the form below.  One of our practitioners will contact you to discuss your condition and schedule your appointment.  

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